Dutch Midwifery Without Borders
By nature, the Dutch are a nation of sailors, with an adventurous spirit and a love for taking the lead and entrepreneuring. Wherever...
Parenting Without Borders
Technology and design can open a world of possibilities for parents with disabilities. If you like to read more on for instance...
Welcome to 2017!
Welcome to 2017! Since I became a midwife I have grown fond of making an early start. On this first morning of the year I went for a long...
The Mapping Midwife
You might raise an eyebrow when you hear a midwife talking about geomapping instead of delivering babies during her christmas break. But...
The True Tale of a Midwife in Auschwitz
How to keep the fire of light and love burning amid the darkness of our age? How to be a human being in the year 2017? How to be a...
More innovation, less hospital?
Today, I will shed some light on innovations in the hospital setting that have the potential to serve the wellbeing of mothers and...
I GAIN, I GROW...measure me now?!
With the holiday season ahead of us, you might be interested in some “weighty matters”. Let me start with a topic that can be of interest...
Two interesting research projects in the field of embryology made headlines recently. Because they are somewhat connected I will grab...
Unique Discovery in Midwifery Dummy
Add modern technique to old training material and what you get is a rather unique discovery: an eighteenth century Dutch dummy used for...
On a stormy november night, I headed for Antwerp, where the Institute of Tropical Medicine held an evening seminar on the latest in the...